A Heartfelt Thank You for 22 Years of Dedication to The Parenting Center

It is with deep gratitude and sincere appreciation that we reflect on the incredible impact Beth Bailar, Program Specialist, had on our department over the past 22 years. On Wednesday, February 7th, we bid farewell to not just a program specialist, but a dedicated and invaluable member of our team.

Beth’s passion for working with our families, coupled with her tireless efforts, has left an indelible mark on everyone she’s encountered.  As she embarks on this well-deserved journey into retirement, her presence will be deeply missed.

We thank her for 22 years of exceptional service and dedication to the families we serve and to our department.  As she steps into this new phase of life, may it be filled with happiness and contentment.

Wishing Beth all the best in her well-earned retirement.

The Parenting Center Team